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The TIANS group design elite annual meeting was held grandly
In recent years, with the country's attention to environmental protection, safety and energy consumption, the field of pharmaceutical and chemical industry is facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities, and as the major major of the pharmaceut...
01 2019-07
Hebei Province industrial building structure technology exchange meeting was held grandly
To enhance the core competitiveness of industrial building structure technology, promote the development of the structure technology in engineering design, construction, strengthen industry exchanges, share advanced structure technology information, ...
18 2021-10
The Digital Factory Design and Construction Technology Summit was successfully concluded
The future China is digital China; the future world is intelligent world. Take digitalization as the cornerstone of the stride forward, strengthen their own intelligence, and catch up with the trend of the new era. On October 16, sponsored by the gro...
11 2022-05
Find industry future | day group international biological engineering practice class officially opened
Preface: biological medicine industry as during the "difference" to build innovative industry always walk in the front of the pharmaceutical industry development, as a pharmaceutical engineering EPC leader, modern group to build internation...
22 2022-04
Bully benefits free reading | pharmaceutical professional English vocabulary manual
01 "Pharmaceutical professional English vocabulary manual" was released heavily Blockbuster Released In recent years, with China's accession to ICH and the launch of PIC / S pre-accession application, the international development of Chinese pharmace...
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